
Grant Study

As youngest
I'm not saying it's wrong to dream, it's beautiful when we work for what we want and finally capture it..
But while chasing goals we shouldn't fail to focus what is in front of us.

As a youngester in her early 20s i always imagined myself in through dreamy eyes, travelling through various countries, meeting various people, and every fun in life, i relitrate it as if when I'm older I'll have more memorable moments to recall back at..
Also recently I've going through several sites regarding usmle experience and somehow encountered a pretty old site where fresh graduates and interns of that time who were usmle aspirants used too post queries regarding

Everybody don't have the same scenarios, certainly most people who go for usmle have relatives and family there in the US
This might be a great thing for them.
But as a average middle class Indian, this is pretty much of a big deal for me.

I can't think about the days if i sucessfully manage to crack all of Usmle steps, and finally settled down there with new people and environment life will be pretty different, obviously i might like, because being more honest, i have certainly never enjoyed living in India much, my college life wasn't a great experience, i could look back only at the days i stayed behind and cried or the days when people made me feel lonely.

And 10 years down the lane, I'll be 33, i doubt whether I'll be having this kind of enthusiasm in life, especially considering this profession, things won't be that laid back, and there comes with pretty much some relationship commitments as well..
In mean time my parents will be back in India, must be through their early and late 60s. That's such a sad thought even to think about now...

Time flew so fast, few years before, they were kinda sooo young to me, and now they are close to old-age,it's a painful thought... They might need me, they need their kids, i want to be their fir them,

It's very common that
According to grant Study, strong link between happiness and close relationships with family and friends. "

We often misunderstand romantic relationship as the ultimate goal, but it's not the case, the most selfless act of love is from your parents. 
Honestly speaking we often as young adults or teenagers overlook that..
It takes time to understand what really matters in life,
Time runs in glimpse, if we don't take time to stop and look at it, it'll just pass away..

I'm sure, many of you must have got really honest and trustworthy friends, it's your luck, but that's not always the case, things can change with time, they need to move on with their priorities, but

Btw this was my personal perspective regarding this study, there are people who may not have parents who arnet that loving and selfless, in that case outside sources like a romantic partner or friends can be the best source of happiness.


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