
Showing posts from January, 2021

Who are you even?

You were born, you were assigned a name, you started to walk, you made little steps, you tried to imitate your parents and imbibed many of their qualities, as a kid you were unaware of the worldly matters, you were a little kid who found happiness in little things, you didn't even cared about what other will think of you, you just laughed out loud when you felt like, being fake was just a unfamiliar thing, you didn't knew how to deceive for real. Everyday was interesting, It was about discovering new things, getting excited about the little things, that enthusiasm to play with your cousins. As years pass by, you started to go to school, there you learned, made friends, you started to believe in something, And you realised you're even a person. You have emotions, you started to know what is it like to feel ashamed and pity. You Started to go in search things which is found acceptable in this social construct to fit it, you started to seek validations, you started to dress

You don't know how lovely you are.

Someday you will realise, it was not all about how you look like or what your skin colour is.. It was all about being there for people who genuinely love you, like my family I hardly think about and prioritize them, it's such a shame that we are so intent on pleasing the people and worldly pleasure while simply forgetting the parents and family who will be actually there for you in the moment of adversaries, who love you unconditionally, they dont care how you look like, or if your breath stinks or if you haven't bathed or anything, but we are so fucked up, that we intent are so on pleasing the world, a internet stranger mean more to you more than your family, or a random classmate who barely cares about u, their harsh words are enough to shatter you..   Why?  At this point I have no clear idea, I'm just a fucked up 21 year old too. But I know this isn't right. Young age is so hard, you may be in the peak of enthusiasm and mood but you're more likely filled with ign
ruining habits of mine.. 1. Over analyzing every silly things 2. replaying all scenarios 3. social media checking 4. meaningless assumptions 5. holding on to irrational beliefs which once i had, still holding on to it. 6. caring too much about everyone thinks pf me and in a false assumption that everyone is thinking of me and people dislike me 7. point out all little mistakes i ever did and and actually blind to appreciate all my good qualities i posses and how far i have reached in life 8. insecuries and old me, thats bot me, stop holding on to that, we all grow up from mistakes nobody is perfect, stop judging urself too much. u did ur best, but u can do better 9 .know who who will be there for u at the end of the end, that is my family who genuinely love and care for me and realise are u really thinking about them or r u wasting ur time over thinking about some cunts like my fucking toxic colleagues or high school cunts or  some cunt relatives, they all doesnt deserves my valubale ti


Welcome to 2021.. Let's make it brief.. the keys to better life 🙂 . 1. Embrace how far you've come life. That little girl 5 years back never in a million years dreamt of this life.😇 be proud of your achievements and struggles 2. Self respect 3. Stop over sharing. 4. Know your abilities and intellect. 5. Always stand and speak for yourself. 6. Value and love your parents and family.