
Showing posts from May, 2020
I'm a girl who loves seeing memes, reading books, writing, occasionally text few friends, hangs out with her family and chill.  Idk why is everyone so pressurised to be in a relationship and be sexually active. I've seen people getting into relationship and cry over it everyday, trust me, it's not pretty. Why can't people enjoy their youth without sex and drugs. It's not a necessity in teenage year. After all I don't care, its not my life, its theirs Better focus on yourself and build your career and pay your own Bills, instead of laying eyes on your man. I dont hang out with bunch of boys and party and get drunk.  I dont date a million boys at a time. I dont do drugs and get high  I don't wear slutty clothes. no heart breaks, no lies, no cheating.  Just peaceful me time without worrying about any texts or calls. I eat, think about boys I had and still have crush on, look at memes, laugh, enjoy my me time, crush over celebrities, watch chick flicks, sleep en
Anagha, for fucks sake stop overthinking and obsessing over guys who is not even thinking about u. You are just doing that because you have no particular thing to think about and overthink about isn't? Stop being a victim? Stop trying to be a perfectionist...  You're not. And nobody is.. the so called pretty bitches have lot of flaws too, they trinh hard to hide..  you don't want that.. just be yourself.. the righy guy will find it..☺☺ Don't be a doormat, ? They never ever showed even a least interest but why u bitch thinking about them, adding status to show it off to them? Remember nobody cares... This fuck shit you're doing is just spoiling your future, nothing else.  First of all concentrate on your career and build it. That's the only thing that matter and try to be a good daughter to your parents.  You lack nothing. Stop being so insecure.. you're not ugly, you're beautiful.. stop stop thinking about past childhood traumas and worrying, u can't
im not desperate for love, but sometimes its like its nice to have someone who care for you and to hug me and tell its okay even when everything is falling apart! how do i stop being over sensitive! cant even trust a soul, people sucks, a bitch friend  said she will always be there for me and  was pretending to be nice, in real she sucks she was manipulative and trying to put me down. i was too stupid to overshare my feelings with her, now i feel bad, my strong women image is fallen, they consider me weak now,, i dont know what to do, i dont share my feelings with people in my real life or my parents, i really love them but i grew up with some distance from them so im uncomfortable sharing my feelings with them. my life in my home is restricted to my room, i rarely go out, i grew up anti social, lot of reasons, many bad childhood traumas, manipulative high school friends who made me feel like shit, lot of bad incidents made my self esteem very low, i really didnt knew who i was or what
I m stupid and silly! fuck that me! i kind of feel so helpless and restless now, i dont know why i care too much about waht anyone thinks of me. i just added new cover pic in fb now and now i feel terrified for what anyone will think... im so silly, oh god, please save me from overthinking

A never ending love story

This makes me think of so innocent love story, where He and She completely adore each other for who they are.. Where a sweet 17 year old carefree childish love matures into long loving relationship, study and work kept them apart, still they were committed by a heart to heart connection, made time for each other, they cherished and adored every moment they spend together and loved even more in the moments when apart, but there were insecurities and argument as usual, but at the end of the day, their love for each other was more valuable than a flickering ego.. eventually their long wait has came to an halt, after they got settled in career, they finally decided to get married and start a family together. The lovely girl and boy vowed to each other 'till death part us, we will be together, made lovely memories and been there throughout each other's ups and downs, Neither he nor she left him because they genuinely loved each other, eventually had kids, travelled the world togethe