Starting trouble in career! (College life!)

My life is filled with lot of up's and down's.
Problem most of the problems are self made! Sometimes i overthink and shacke myself!
Now coming to my life, After cracking Entrance exam (Neet) with good score...i was like! Congratulations, You Achieved Your Goal. Now What?
Neet Medical entrance was like a ultimate goal! so finally after triumph ! i was like goal less! i had a feeling like i have achieved my goal! and i was so passive during my whole 1st year ! Basically directionless. I was so lazy, The irony is that it has just started only. Being a fresher, fresh out from school! Everything was new! A Different world! … as soon as the college started new couples started to emerge every day! Unlike school it's very easy to bunk classes, (but 80% attendance! Face palm#^) ! Independence! ! A Free place! and for the first time i had my own phone and …. whatsapp.. facebook everything… so half of my time i wasted there! The neet was like a key to a new world for me! Being a first year student. so i have experienced only slice of a cake.. and four more gruesome years are waiting. So this opinion of Mine might change or not idk..Well.. i wanna say.. i really do regret.. Everything is completely different.. when i look back to my neet days.. it was really frustrating to study the whole time still it was interesting.. i never hated .. because only thing i had in mind was to get a good rank and get a good college.. didn't even thought of how will i study the vast mbbs syllabus.. Before neet! I was kind of a person.. who would have given up anything just for a seat! But now all i can say…is .. I do regret this! To be more frank.. actually I just finished first year.. so not too much exposure to clinics. . Only things were.. dissection, lab, theory, common lunch hall.. being a introvert i did’nt had much friends .. I sat clearly alone most of the times.. Only relief was my phone! So that when I sit alone it was best company and quora too.. At first I tried to make some friends! But it was difficult! And being a fresher everything seemed so different… and most were repeaters so they already knew each other right from coaching classes itself, so it was easy for everyone to mingle except me! By the time I started to like my profession, it came to the worse because small small groups were made… and I was like the loner, who was not in any group.. but.. later I became friends with a few girls.. at lunch time I sat with them.. they talk endlessly, but i never find anything interesting! I have studied in a girls school, so it was difficult for me to talk to boys! Alright they are not aliens, right! Still I have a awkwardness! Idk.. Later on once my frustration was.. I see couples everywhere!and being a single i envied them lol!(not really) it was once a depression.. ! But now I m okay! being single is COOL! Being a introvert I found it difficult to even communicate during dissection time.. I was so obsessed with finding a good friend and a good guy lol(i was stupid).. but no! Lady luck didn't gave me a chance! But for a few days I was with a girl.. at first she seemed so Good. . But later I understood she was just using me clearly for her needs! So later on.. I tried to ignore those fake friends and stood for myself.. Studies- oh damn! When i think about 12th and 11th. ..I worked hard..but now I don't know it's not working now..

once I loved a guy, i was obsessed with a him. . Silly infatuation right, still i couldn't resist! I was so silly I have never told him! I think I never will! . . Finally I was so frustrated and I don't know.. I think I have given up half of my year for him.. but can't find any guilt in him.. because it was because of me my fault.. I was so stupid.. 
Now at the end of this first year! I don't have any wonderful moment to remember.. but i couldn't ever forget those first 4 months.. every night I cried and cursed myself…1st year I was like a tuned puppet. . Everyday wake up.. groom.. to class .. lecture over. .to dissection. . Lunch hall.. ( loner or sometimes with SOME friends ) .. then to lab.. back to home.. sleep.. wake up at about 6.. quora.. surfing.. sleep. .. and next day.. the cycle continued. . You see! There were no study sessions.. except someday randomly studying for some tests etc. OK! I am all set! This year taught me lot of lessons!
 ● You are always alone, you have none except yourself
 ● Don't get infatuated. .it takes a lot to understand someone..
 ●Beware. People will be always there to take advantage of you..
 ● Never give up! Believe in yourself!
 ● You are best person!
 ● sometimes. .people who you give least importance will be there for you in your hour of need!
 ● Don't trust anyone.. blindly
 ●Make study a priority
 My school life was really awesome… miss my school friends!! Lol I remember those days! Still I have contact with few school friends. .though few are jealous since they tried for neet but Didn't qualify! OK all I was saying above was the dark side Of my college. . But there some bright side too!! I still remember the happy face of my parents when the Neet results were out and The orientation day.. when we finally for the first time landed in this very prestigious institutions! Of course how can't I say that!.. my teacher's they are the best! The friendliest Doctors! Of course most of them are cool! I think only thing I might miss from my 1st year is my teachers! And the prestige of this job is unbeatable… And even my neighbours who didn't bothered me earlier.. now looks me with respect that's really a proud thing! And the most proud thing is My college. . My Tmc! No.. of course not! Nothing like! Guy! love! Friends! Politics! Nothing is thrushing me to TMC anymore! But my career! The prestige of my college! Happy faces of my parents, family and for myself. . For my dreams! And for the God who have given me this gift! But sometimes I feel so proud! Do you know… that proud moment when we walk with stethoscope around the neck with white apron through the hospital wards give's me a feeling of Euphoria ! That's just a feeling man! And you gotta save people's lives! What's greater than that! What's more prestigious! And whats Happier than giving Even small advices to elders! . To conclude.. I think I have lost myself somewhere .. The charming mesmerizing. .. bright… humourous Anagha! She was lost somewhere in this journey. . I wanna get back that! Assure myself to stop doubting myself. . Assure myself! I m the best! Not to give up! Live the life fully! And to convince myself it's okay to be alone sometimes !...
Yeck! I m sorry i must have killed u with my boring story!! Hehe! 😌😌😅


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