
Showing posts from August, 2020
Sometimes I worry a lot about the way I look, I'm too self conscious, ofcourse there is girls out there who are prettier than me. :( She would be funnier, prettier and hotter.  He could chosen her, instead of me.  But he has to remember, not everyone has same things to offer! I'm different, the thing you want from life maybe her!! I know there's always someone better than me, maybe in appearance wise! But personality wise it's just me,  I'm me there's nobody like me!  The thoughts, views and behavior makes me unique! If he is destined to stay, he will.  Or if he goes behind the prettiest one, he doesn't deserve you, sis! Ask yourself, do you want to settle for this one? No!  There's more things out there in this world!! ©anagha_

Angry rant

I don't give a Fuck anymore! I'm just living my life, the way I want it! You're not gonna pay for it! So back off!  Talk behind me! I don't care,  you're not going to pay my bill's neither going to get me better grades isn't! If I do it then, it's good for me! That's it!! Fuck you people! Fuck you Social anxiety! And all assholes I ever met in my life!!
I'm sorry if this sound dumb! I don't know to whom should I say this. I'm a sad fragile girl. I get sad very easily. Little things affect me very much. I'm always stressed, I care too much, I hold grudges, i make assumptions quickly and defend them vehemently, I blame other people for how they make me feel, so everything is a mess in my life. I get mad at things very easily. So I don't think boys really care about it as much I do. To be honest, a relationship is something where we can get all peace and warmth and forget about all other worries. But for me the relationship is the stress itself. So I've been talking to this guy lately. And I kind of like him. But I don't think he can manage me and my feelings. He might like me but don't really take my feelings seriously!!! He is rather carefree. Just opposite of me. Even if he ask I'm okay.. still I don't think it's enough or adequate for me.  I want more caring. Someone to tell me I'
I really really hate them. They are the reason why I'm sad and I'm wasting time on internet. So instead of studying..  I try to talk with people online to distract myself. Wish I had good friends. Honestly idk why they find me uninteresting or dont like me much! I'm completely normal and I'm pretty interesting to myself. I find no interest in what they talk. They talk all dumb shit. I've no interest in thier dumbshit. They dont want to listen to what I want to say. When I'm with their group I've no voice. They don't even care. They are so fake. I really wish I had a friend who have same enthusiasm and love for the topics I'm in. My friends make my life miserable. I've to spend my college times with them. So I'm even hating my career because of people there. Honestly it's a long time ever since I laughed genuinely. I'm tried of faking smile for those bitches. I've hatred maybe because of all the loneliness and avoidance

Little things About Anagha😊

Yeah anyways I decided to write this random answer, I hope this doesn't sound weird or boasting or anything, I was trying my best to express who I'm. I am a sort of person who is a.. • Introvert, I'm the kind of person who is shy, awkward and you find in the corner of parties and social gatherings.. • I'm a doctor to be, my dream is to become an Oncologist someday ;) • I've extremely low self esteem, I'm trying to build. • Prefer time with nature than with people • Curious about different perceptions on various topics • I think a lot, about many things but can't enlist all of them. • likes to talk about my favourite topics without having a feeling of weirdness, about sleep paralysis, Astral projection, Existence of ghost, ideas for room decoration, my favourite Cartoon shows in childhood, gonna talk about all untravelled mysteries i have in mind. • I wasn't a bookaholic but lately I picked up habits of reading non fiction and self help books. My favorite
Its not like everyone is desperate to find a partner. Ofcourse we need someone to fill the void which might have at some point in life and to grow old with and to make memories. But once you're over 17 , too much social pressure and stupid ideologies like you're single because you can't get a partner? Wtf not everyone's priority is the same. Your priority is to find a gf/bf and have fun. Mine isn't that, I wanna be successful, I wanna be a good doctor, travel to my favorite places, achieve my Bucket list, be a good girl to my family, be a the women I always dreamt of myself.  These days social media and everything influence people a lot and a stigma that getting into relationship is the best thing.. then what? Many endless arguments, fights, possessive partners.  They literally look for partners because they got wrong priorities and can't focus on other worldly goals...and are insecure in need of comfort because they can't love themselves or a desperate perv
When your dreams all fail, when your expectations were not met  you're disappointed  You've no choice but to fake smile and continue with this burden of sadness Your self esteem is trying to drag you down each time.. You see happy people all around when you open social media, you start comparing your lonely sad ass life to the fake life they are portraying on social media. You feel terrible and cry yourself to sleep.. You wish there was someone in real life who would understand you, but lack of such relation is making you feel lonelier so you go in search of love you're not getting from real life.  You vent your feelings all over internet to feel validated because you're insecure and have no one to appreciate you.. Well this is life...A dreadful journey.   In this heat of youthfulness you get into traps and priorities are fucked up.  You are even forgetting the people who raised you, Your priority for your family is at the lowest? Why? You even don't know why you
me as a person lived about 21 years in this earth so far, i think my dream now is to acquire more knowledge as much as possible, acquire wisdom not really for fame or to be better than others, to get to know more about all those things which fascinate me, lately idk physics, learning more about universe, galaxy, sky, sun, philosophy, life, death, society, evolution, how world departed like this, etc interests me so far, i think the family and bad school failed to bring out the interets and enthusiam in me as a kid, i was a shy sad kid always stayed behind never discovered my enthusiam, also considered myself low, now as ive grown up and wiser im realising many things about life, idk many materialistic things me and other humans do seems very meaningless and stupid to me, but yes i sort of didnt mean like they have to leave all worldly pleasures but if they shows interets in knowledgable things life will be great but yes thats all for good, if world wasnt a ugly place like now some grea
Well I know I'm swearing too much but guess what, that's the only way I can let out my anger against this shitty piece of earth... Well.. my thoughts and beliefs makes who I'm. If they can't agree or what then fuck off. I'm the person for what I have inside my mind.. and that makes me unique... and I dont want to run behind the herd mentality of shits of this world... Also.. I maybe be a different person in real life and online..  because in rl I'm suppressed and judged by the fucking monsters of this earth so that prevents me from being who I'm and in online environment I can be who I'm and I guess thats the the real me without the fucking fear... Well this my fucking dream is to be the exact me in real world too,  well yes I'm trying to be confident. I'm trying... I'm growing.. I believe I will outshine my fears, because I believe I'm stronger than my fears and those judgements..
And yeah Idk who the f that guy i talked with on chat42, but yes even not sure if it is the same that asshole who make me cry, whatever i vibed good with him, good to have a intellectual talk with him and good to know that such people who's mentality matches with mine exists... glad that wise people like us exist in this crooked creepy fucking disgusting piece of shit hole earth...  Well yeah idk I'm not blaming earth, I love earth and what this world have to offer me..  But disgust me is asshole of this earth, 97% people of this world are hypocrites and idiots.. Well yea no wonder wise people like me prefer loneliness because we dont want to see the unfairness and shittyness this world has to offer... People are fucking disgusting, can be pretty by outward appearance, but thats deceiving, they all are assholes expect a few...  Also that quora man, who made me feel good about my question was a good man too. He agreed too world is such a grave zone.. 
I'm disgusted by this fucking earth, what the actual fuck is this assholes doing??  They think using ex as a bait in wherever toxic is aweosme. Such a stupid attention craves.  They think life is all about finding a relationship and having tons of ex. What the fuck. For fucks sake can someone tell me what's going on here  Nothing is happening but some horny teenagers..  lurking over relationships and stupidity, that's what I see over social media and stffs.  They think having a ex is a fancy name.. for fucks sake no bitch. You're disgusting that's why u can't even adjust with a person...  Stupid teenagers before running behind relationships, and fakery, build yourself, build your own name than be like a fucking parasite..  I agree real love story exist, but that's not this bullshit this generation now portrays..  now it's all lust no real love.   Real love is all about respect, compassion, being there for each other, finding each other interesting, seein