There's something about life

It was Her fault, she have given priority for undeserved Man! She have dreamed millions of moments with him! Prayed for him.. kissed his forehead in her dreams...cared for him secretly. Now Finally when he found someone else he Left her heart broken! And flirt with someone in front of her!

But she didn't had the guts to give up! She started to focus on her career and her family, instead of crying over lost love! She realised it was just a college summer love! May it fades with time! She began to rise up! 
So love for someone else is not the best thing in world! Real meaning of life is all about finding yourself..Discover yourself.. Travel the world!! Discover new minds.. travel the unknown.. finally you may meet someone unexpectedly... may be the right person you were searching.. 
Unexpected love stories are the best! 
 you are you're precious! You are best version someone out there is always searching for! So be yourself!
Now she is constantly in love with herself!


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