medicine stories :)

My week was sooo busy

But man I love it

Indeed I was busy 24x7. I didn't even had time to think about anything other than ward life

I truly love what I do.

I wonder how many people can say that about their work life

I got back from work only after 1 am and definitely that's because I was concerned about the patients I care about

I have so much empathy

I'm not someone who praise myself But truly and honestly I am honest about how i deal with my patients and I'm kind to them.

A day and soo many incidents each day Also the fun thing is fun

There was my resident doctor we worked together in the first week and we had so much romance going on We used to work together and everything and one thing I truly found fun is i was taking blood for ABG and he came to help me. He didn't have gloves and he was kinda taking my gloves so I thought I'll remove and he could use it. And instead he inserted his hands inside the gloves and it was size 6 gloves.. I mean the tension inside the gloves was so much. And just both of our hands. Idk if I'm romanticing it.

Rut veah it was instead something I'll

But yeah it was instead something I'll remember.

Second week.

Well, Monday is our casualty day. And wow. I felt so useful and purposeful. Casualty day was amazing. I did took history, saved people.

There was one geriatric person with supreventricular tachycardia. Oh man I was taking his history and we was going into arrest and my pg gave defib and we saved him

That's just single story, plenty of story that day. Indeed casualty day is so eventually

I wish I could write all of these somewhere cuz I want to remember and recall all these beautiful memories

Amazing such is life
And there was so many such cases.. that svt is something I'll remember cuz we saved him and next day he was in the ward, now he's better and he is dischargeed. Only a doctor see it and be happy. Like we saw him at his last stage of his life and he was going into arrest and then we gave defib and he revived
Gradually seeing his progression and now he's a completely fine person. I'm happy I saw him and now he's fine

It's so rewarding to see that
This is second week and I'm in male ward. I love being in the ward actually.

Idk what I'm the world

I didn't have to. But I was at ward by 6pm to 1 am today and doing random things. And if a patient goes bad I could help

Random things obviously mean something useful for the patients

Like prc transfusion, the insurance papers signed, prescription and all

And these patients always comes with some or the other doubts if they see me.

I'll say, Abdul sattar, I don't remember his

diagnosis, but he's so nice person, I hope he's sleeping well,

And appu that patient with anemia and delirium, he's so agitated about being in the hospital..

He's soo cute. I mean like a grandfather. I love him so much. He's truly fun to talk to. He always complains and he was violent yesterday and didn't let me put the blood transfusion and later we gave him sedation.. He was like, why are you putting all this blood in my body, there's no need. This is the second time today and I've no problem Actually his hb was 4 and an adult male need 12.

We were only helping

Thank God his hb today rose to 7

And the patient amal, and his bystander.. they are so respectful!

Pateint, thulaseedharan, that one I hope he feels better.. he's cachexic,
He has prostrate related issue, he was hematuria and he doesn't eat anything. His wife always complains to me. I saw him first at casualty as well. He cries so much in pain, I hope he feels better.

Today he went to dialysis, I went there to write the nephrology consultation. I hope he's fine. I love him as well. His crying face makes me sad actually. And it's lovely to see in the male ward all these bystanders care for their husbands Also patient Rajendran, all of them. I want to see their progression and then getting better


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