A good bye to him!

Hey I feel like you got some bad idea about me. 
I'm sorry if you feel so...
See we both have totally different ideologies and comes from totally different cultures and traditions.

Plus you can't live upto everyone's expectations. 
It's sometimes tough to open up in person, so i thought I'd say in text...

Let's not talk about it in person or on call cuz it's weird for me to open up like this...

Well, talking about how we became friends... In February I was going through a bad phase and then I met shifa chechi because I couldn't be by myself., and I told her I had that stuff going on and need to get myself out of it., and infact I am lonely as well.

she told you people are nice and I should interact with you guys,...

So then we started talking for some reason, especially during chirayinkeezhu incident you were truly a blessing to me that time. Cuz i didn't had anyone who was there to listen to me.. you supported like a good friend. And helped me sail through it..

Then medicine started, 
You know what, thinking back to medicine, medicine makes me skip a beat or gives a warm feeling of happiness cuz I loved what I did. But behind that I could see, how i felt those only because I always had a friend then who encouraged me and appreciated me for me being empathetic or whatever then.. that push only made me be more and more honest in what I did.
And also I don't think I'd have loved medicine so much without that friend. 

So I owe so much to that friend for making my medicine life beautiful!
I did had someone to talk about my day everyday, also i remember i told you about my patients and that post admission scenario.. that night i couldn't sleep, was in love with my ward and patients.. at 3 am I sent you a long essay message about my each patients... Cuz i felt heard and I knew you'll definitely read what I say.. I felt heard about how i felt.
Also days you used to come to ward to see me or help .. well i never had such friends before so I truly appreciate what I got. I had a feeling I had someone who cared.
And... You took me to barb Arabia, micu 1 2 I'll remember all those helps. Thank you. 
As a friend i truly truly appreciate you.....
Something we disagree on is, religion.. I'm sorry but this is who I'm, we all have different outlook and upbringing. I can't change the core of who I'm by listening to someone. 
Recently i don't know truly what happened. But yeah something is wrong which I know and you know too.
Anyway I'd like to say, you were truly a blessing then, thank you for what you did. And I'll always remember this from my mbbs/ house surgeoncy period. 
For a person who never had a male best friend, I did had someone. :)


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